2 Read the blog post again and match each paragraph with a statement. There is one extra sentencey won't use. 1 Paragraph 1: 2 Paragraph 2: 3 Paragraph 3: 4 Paragraph 4: 5 Paragraph 5: a Ewan talks about what he's done to raise money in the past. b Ewan says how he felt at the end. c Ewan talks about how he got ready to raise money. d Ewan says hello to his readers and says what the blog post is about. e Ewan describes in detail the time when he sold cakes. f Ewan describes what it was like to plant flowers. 3 1 2 3 5



Ответ дал: kazgozhinatomiris


1. Paragraph -d

2. Paragraph -c

3. Paragraph -a

4. Paragraph -f

5. Paragraph -b


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