Помогите пожалуйста даю 50 балов
1. I don't remember (see) Jungkook.
A Gerund
B Infinitive
2. If you want to have a lot of money, try (rob) a bank.
A) Gerund
B) Infinitive
3. I'm thinking of (go) to China
A to go
B going
4. Try to avoid (lose) your temper.
A to lose
B losing
5. He isn't good at (drive) his car.
A to drive
B driving
6. Please try (come) a little bit earlier next time.
A Gerund
B Infinitive
7. I'll never forget (visit) Shanghai.
A Gerund
B Infinitive
8. They were advised (take) a packed lunch.
A to take
B taking
9. Do you think it's worth (see) this film?
A to see
B seeing
10. The boys went on (look for) the money they'd lost.
A Gerund
B Infinitive
11. After describing the situation in general, he went on (talk) about details.
A Gerund
B Infinitive
12.They stopped (discuss) where to go now.
A Gerund
B Infinitive
13. She regrets (say) she won't come to you.
A Gerund
B Infinitive
14. I've forgotten (buy) cheese. Let's go without it.
A Gerund
B Infinitive
15. Why don't you stop (watch) TV? I don't think it's harmless
A Gerund
B Infinitive
16. You cannot live without (do) such stupid things.
A to do
B doing
17. Would you mind (repeat) your threat?
A to repeat
B repeating
18. She regrets (tell) you that lie about Kim.
A Gerund
B Infinitive
19. I don't think this work needs (correct).
A Gerund
B Infinitive
20. You should practise (say), "Red little lorry, yellow little lorry."
A to say
B saying
21. It's no use (cry) over spilt milk.
A to cry
B crying
22. He seems (know) everything about it
A to know
B knowing
23. If you want (lose) weight, try (eat) less.
A to lose, to eat
B losing, eating
C to lose, eating
D losing, to eat
24. It's useless (argue) with him. He won't listen to any reason.
A to argue
B arguing​


Ответ дал: demchenkoviktoria03


1 А


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