2 * Comp routine. the text about Victor's daily Hi. My name's Victor. I'm 13. I live at La Masia, part of Football Club Barcelona. People think we play football all day but it's not true. This is our daily routine: At 6.45 we get 295 to wash "got up At 7.00 we share a bre ok Fem we eat a lot! Fesina We go to school on a bus at 7.30. We to sken ook at 8.00 and we finish classes at 2.00. We Ph the afternoon we've got a free hour. I chat with friends or sleep. At 4.00 we d our or we've got extra classes. From and at 2.15. At 3.00 in h 6.50 to 8.45 we'd e football training. After training we h_ S in the sports hall or we've got and then we have dinner at as 9.30. After that we've got TV, games or the Internet and at 11.00 we ºg. b _. It's a long day! کسی سےл​

xvnae: аче сделать то надо


Ответ дал: vikylka353
I can see that the text is a bit scrambled, and there seem to be some errors. I'll help you correct it and organize the information into a coherent daily routine for Victor:

Hi. My name's Victor. I'm 13, and I live at La Masia, which is a part of Football Club Barcelona. People often think we play football all day, but that's not entirely true. Here's our daily routine:

- At 6:45, we wake up and get ready.
- At 7:00, we have breakfast, and we eat a lot!
- Then, at 7:30, we take the bus to school.
- School starts at 8:00, and we finish classes at 2:00.
- In the afternoon, we have a free hour, during which I usually chat with friends or take a nap.
- At 4:00, we either do our homework or attend extra classes.
- From 6:50 to 8:45, we have football training.
- After the training, we can either play sports in the hall or attend other activities.
- Dinner is at 9:30.
- After dinner, we have some free time for watching TV, playing games, or using the Internet.
- At 11:00, it's time to go to bed. It's a long day!

I've corrected the text to make it more coherent and understandable.
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