1. He's always so lazy. He help. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Rice Mark usually I his own flat. Liars are people who It took me an hour to get to work this moming. Most days it (not; take) so long. (not; do) anything to (not; wake) up at 7 o'clock. restaurants near here? Tom old. We My brother lives 500 miles away, so we each other very often. (not; grow) in cold climates. (not; live) with his parents any more. He has (not; tell) the truth. (not; eat) meat. Are there any vegetarian (not; play) tennis any more. He says he's too (not; go) to the cinema too much. (not: see)​


Ответ дал: vikylka353
It seems like you're looking to complete the sentences with the appropriate words or verb forms. Here's the corrected text:

1. He's always so lazy. He doesn't help.
2. Rice doesn't take long to cook.
3. Mark usually has his own flat.
4. Liars are people who don't tell the truth.
5. It took me an hour to get to work this morning. Most days it doesn't take so long.
6. I don't do anything to wake up at 7 o'clock.
7. Are there any restaurants near here?
8. Tom isn't old. We see each other very often.
9. My brother lives 500 miles away, so we don't grow up with each other very often.
10. Penguins live in cold climates.
11. He doesn't live with his parents anymore. He has his own flat.
12. He doesn't eat meat. Are there any vegetarian restaurants near here?
13. He doesn't play tennis anymore. He says he's too lazy.
14. He doesn't go to the cinema too much. He doesn't see movies very often.
Ответ дал: cvbuji

   He's always so lazy. He doesn't help.

   Rice doesn't take Mark usually an hour to get to work. Most days it doesn't take so long.

   I don't do anything to avoid waking up at 7 o'clock.

   Are there any restaurants near here?

   Tom isn't old.

   We don't see each other very often.

   They don't grow in cold climates.

   He doesn't live with his parents anymore. He has moved out.

   He hasn't told the truth.

   He doesn't eat meat.

   Don't play tennis anymore. He says he's too busy.

   Don't go to the cinema too much. Don't see movies frequently.

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