Rewrite the dialogue using the correct punctuation.





what type of films do you and your family like i like romantic comedies but my brother francesco likes american action films

what about your mum and dad? they like comedies and thrillers


Julian do you often go to the cinema Yes i do, i live in Madrid and there are a lot of cinemas in the city

when do you go to the cinema

Julian Miranda we often go in january and we sometimes go when we are on holiday in portugal срочно у меня щас контроша!!!!! За ранее спасибо (:


Ответ дал: ribkakalka


Julian: Miranda, what type of films do you and your family like? I like romantic comedies, but my brother Francesco likes American action films.

Miranda: What about your mum and dad? They like comedies and thrillers.

Julian: Miranda, do you often go to the cinema? Yes, I do. I live in Madrid, and there are a lot of cinemas in the city.

Miranda: When do you go to the cinema?

Julian: Miranda, we often go in January, and we sometimes go when we are on holiday in Portugal.


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