4 Complete the answers to the questions. Use too or enough and the words in brackets. 1 'Can you hear me?' (loud) 'No, I can't. The TV is 2 'Why do you rent your flat?' (rich) 'Because I'm not. to buy one.' 3 'Do you want to have breakfast on the balcony?' (cold) 'No! It's to go outside.' 4 'Is your daughter learning to drive?' (old) 'No, not yet. She isn't. 5 'Why do you want to take a taxi?' (far) 'I think it's to walk. 6 'Can you pass me that book from the top shelf?' (tall) 'No, I can't reach it. I'm not​


Ответ дал: MIN93SUGA


  1. too
  2. enough
  3. too
  4. enough
  5. too
  6. enough

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