II b) Fill in the blanks with interrogative forms of Past Continuous Tense. 1) he 2) they 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) she the man he the patient they the teacher you she everyone Rita ? (jump) in the same bus? (travel) an umbrella? (carry) with a fishing rod? (fish) a pizza? (eat) with pain? (cry) English last days? (learn) a new lesson? (teach) hard for your test? (work) over to my house? (come) me? (miss) in the class? (weep) III tive and interrogative form​


Ответ дал: adventadorlamborghin


Here are the sentences filled in with the interrogative forms of Past Continuous Tense:

1) Was he jumping?

2) Were they traveling?

3) Were you carrying an umbrella?

4) Were they fishing with a fishing rod?

5) Was she eating a pizza?

6) Was he crying with pain?

7) Were you learning English last days?

8) Was she teaching a new lesson?

9) Were you working hard for your test?

10) Were they coming over to my house?

11) Did you miss me?

12) Was she weeping in the class?

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