3 Match each person 1-6 to the types of home below. block of flats bungalow caravan cottage detached house mansion 1 My home is small and old. I like living in the country. 2 I'm a traveller. I can't stand staying in one place. 3 My house is quite big but not huge. The best thing about it is not having neighbours. 4 I live on the sixth floor. The people upstairs are noisy! 5 I like to live somewhere which is large and luxurious and shows how wealthy I am. 6 I'm 86 years old and I can't use stairs.​


Ответ дал: lite150310

My home is small and old. I like living in the country.


I'm a traveler. I can't stand staying in one place.


My house is quite big but not huge. The best thing about it is not having neighbors.

Detached house

I live on the sixth floor. The people upstairs are noisy!

Block of flats

I like to live somewhere which is large and luxurious and shows how wealthy I am.


I'm 86 years old and I can't use stairs.


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