3 Write sentences using (not) as ... as and the words in brackets. 1 Both the kitchen and the bathroom in our house are old-fashioned. (old-fashioned) The kitchen is as old-fashioned as the bathroom in our house. 2 My brother's bedroom is really untidy, but mine is worse! (messy) 3 Our garden and our neighbour's garden are the same size. (big) 4 A large flat here costs £150,000 and a small house is the same price. (expensive) 5 The cooker isn't clean, but the fridge is quite clean! (dirty)​


Ответ дал: arianka31
1. Both the kitchen and the bathroom in our house are old-fashioned. (old-fashioned) The kitchen is as old-fashioned as the bathroom in our house.

2. My brother's bedroom is really untidy, but mine is not as messy.

3. Our garden and our neighbour's garden are not as big as we thought.

4. A large flat here costs £150,000 and a small house is as expensive.

5. The cooker isn't as clean, but the fridge is quite clean!
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