10 осы шақтағы жай және 10 осы шақтағы жалғас сөйлемдер пжпжжпжп бал берем срочно ​


Ответ дал: mmmmmm190900

Простые предложения:

1. I like to read.

2. She runs fast.

3. They sing beautifully.

4. He eats pizza.

5. We study together.

6. The cat sleeps.

7. It rains today.

8. Dogs bark loudly.

9. My brother works.

10. She dances well.

Слитные предложения:

1. I'm going to the store.

2. She's playing the piano.

3. They've finished their homework.

4. He doesn't like coffee.

5. We're watching a movie.

6. The cat's sleeping on the couch.

7. It's raining outside.

8. Dogs are chasing a ball.

9. My brother's working late.

10. She's dancing at the party.

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