Складіть 15 речень Passive Voice даю 50


Ответ дал: anna13042007k


1. The cake was baked by my mother.

2. The house was built by skilled craftsmen.

3. The book was written by a famous author.

4. The car was repaired by a mechanic.

5. The video was edited by a professional.

6. The flowers were watered by the gardener.

7. The concert was attended by thousands of people.

8. The project was completed by the team.

9. The clothes were washed by the laundry service.

10. The letter was delivered by the mail carrier.

11. The movie was directed by an acclaimed filmmaker.

12. The painting was created by a talented artist.

13. The computer was fixed by the IT technician.

14. The presentation was prepared by the employees.

15. The room was cleaned by the hotel staff.

slabykangelyna: ти ліпша дякую
anna13042007k: удачі! ^^
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