Пожалуйста помогите очень срочно помогите пожалуйста ❤️‍



Ответ дал: prusaroslav723


Simon: I'm going on a road trip around America next summer.

Beth: Really? How exciting!

Simon: And I'm going with my grandmother.

Beth: You're going with your grandmother? Oh no. That sounds like a nightmare!

Simon: Not at all! She's a famous photographer. She took photos of The Beatles when she was in her twenties.

Beth: I'm envious.

Simon: Yeah, well, it's all ok now. Anyway, good luck with your road trip.

Beth: Thanks!

Mark: 10/10

For the listening exercise, you've mentioned a task but haven't provided the statements (A-E) and the descriptions of the speakers (1-4)

that I would need to match them.

Please provide the statements and

descriptions, and I'll be happy to help you match them.

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