Text 3 Answer the questions. 1. What had the animals long ago? 2. Why did the lion ask all the animals to come to him one day? 3. Was it cold or warm that day? 4. What kind of tail had the Hare? What did he ask the other animals? What had the animals when they came back later? 7. Did anybody bring a tail for the hare? 8. What must you do if there is something for you to do?
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Ответ дал: ulka47849


1. The animals had tails long ago.

2. The lion asked all the animals to come to him one day because he wanted to see who had the longest tail.

3. It is not mentioned whether it was cold or warm that day.

4. The Hare had a short tail and he asked the other animals if there was anything wrong with his tail. The other animals told him that his tail was too short. When the animals came back later, they all had their tails hidden in their hands.

7. No, nobody brought a tail for the hare.

8. If there is something for you to do, you must do it.

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