написать историю о своей жизни используя 8 времен на английском (на Past и Present кроме Future) пж помогите от вашего ответа зависит жизнь детей ирака​


Ответ дал: mybinatulyaganova


коротко и ясно просто при думай о своей жизни восим времён и скачай переводчик и скажи туда все свои слова

Ответ дал: nikabezversenko12
Present Simple:
I currently work for a company where I develop new technologies and help people understand the possibilities of the digital age. I make time for my family and try to maintain a work-life balance.

Past continuous tense:
When I was at university, I was active in student organizations and immersed myself in research in an effort to expand my knowledge and skills.

Present Perfect:
I have already visited many countries and learned about different cultures, which has helped me become an open and tolerant person.

Past perfect tense:
When I returned from my travels, I had already written several books and became a well-known author in my field, which allowed me to share my knowledge with others.

Past Simple:
I recently decided to start a new project that helps children in Iraq get an education and a better future. I went to Iraq where I worked with local schools and created a support program for youth

Present Continuous:
I am now working to expand this program, helping children gain access to education and health care in an effort to make the world a better place for future generations.
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