5. Complete the sentences with ordinal numbers writing out the whole word. (9) grade, which is the same
1. Did you know that Americans say as Year 10 in the U. K.? 2. I'm planning to leave on the 3. I'm (2) in queue after this person. 4. I bought this sunscreen for the 5. Louis the the death of his father. (7) of January. 2001 to December calendar, which is also the (5) time. (13) became king of France in 1610 upon 25 6. John Biden officially became the of the United States in 2021. 7. On April (12), 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the person in world history to fly into outer space. 8. The (21) century is the period from January (46) President (1) (1), (31), 2100, according to the Gregorian (1) century of the (3) millennium. 9. Our agent sold the (23) house this year. 10. I didn't know that if you order five pizzas, you get the (6) one for free.​


Ответ дал: nursbeka7




(have) a birthday party on November (second).



(celebrate) Independence Day on

September (sixteenth)?

3. Javier

(make) a big dinner for Christmas Eve on December


4. Diana and Alma

(not go) to the graduation party on June


5. What


(do) on May (third)?

6. Susana

(not visit) her relatives for New Year's Eve on December


the plans and nredictions with the words in the box and the verb


aelitaozybekova: нечиво не понела
dianaoktabreva45: тоже
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