Task 2. Who says this: Amanda(A), Eric (E), both (B) or none of them (N): 1. Wearing smart clothes helps you get promotion. 2. Tattoos and earrings may offend other people. 3.Trying to change people's appearance might cause emotional problems. 4.People have right to wear what they like. 5.Companies did well when they introduced casual Fridays. 6.Most companies want their employees have some kind of dress code. 7.Smart clothes help you make a positive impression at job interview. 8.Employers have no right to tell their employees what to wear. 9.Dress code is compulsory in some spheres. 10. When people wear clothes and styles they like show better results at work place.​


Ответ дал: ulka47849


1. N

2. B

3. B

4. N

5. B

6. B

7. B

8. N

9. B

10. N

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