Абайдың ең қысқа қара сөзі ағылшынша​


Ответ дал: baursakbaursak26

There are four reasons why we should not forget what we have heard: first, it is necessary to be firm in our hearts; the second - when you hear or see that thing, you should be amazed, you should be happy, understand, and enjoy it with enthusiasm; the third - you need to think about that thing from the inside for a few times and fix it in your mind; The fourth is to stay away from things that make you think. If it happens, it should not be built. Thought disorders: carefree laziness, playfulness, or sadness, or passion for something. These four things are the things that destroy all reason and science

абайдың 31-ші қара сөзі

tokmagambetaisha: көп рахмет
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