4 Watch the video again. Are the sentences about rats (R), snakes (5) or both (B)? 1 People often give food to them. B 2 They are welcome in people's houses. People think they are very special. 3 4 People respect them. 5 They eat nuts and drink milk. 6 People know how to work with them. 7 People hold a festival with them.​


Ответ дал: horchynskaanna


1. People often give food to them. (B)

2. They are welcome in people's houses. People think they are very special. (R)

3. People respect them. (B)

4. They eat nuts and drink milk. (R)

5. People know how to work with them. (B)

6. People hold a festival with them. (5)

egor80061: спасибо большое
islam27052012: Спс
659595: а что в 7?
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