Задание на фото сделать упр. 14 и упр. 23. Заранее благодарю <3



Ответ дал: morozn303



1 - Do you play tennis?

2 - Yes, I like this game!

3 - How about going to play tennis on Saturday?

4 - Sorry, I can't. I'm having lunch with my cousin on Saturday.

5 - Why don't we meet in the evening on Saturday then?

6 - I'm afraid, I can't. Steve has invited me to go to the cinema with him.

7 - Can we meet on Sunday? Or are you busy, too?

8 - Actually I am. I'm going on a picnic on Sunday.

9 - That's OK. Another time.

10- Sure.


2) Bob: I think playing tennis is exciting.

Steve: Yes, I agree. It's inspiring and energetic. What do you think, Joe?

Joe: Well, I think it's tiring.

Bob: That's not true! For me, tennis is very fun.

3) Cindy: I think that Art Club is fun.

Rita: I agree. Art Club is a real pleasure.

Billie: Well, for me, it's boring.

Cindy: That's not true! Art Club is very interesting.

956rgxy0ug: ПАСИБА БОЛЬШОЕ
morozn303: Рада была помочь :)
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