1. A Where Alex have his lunch on Mondays? B. At a Chinese restaurant c) did 3. A What bi does d) didn't B: Hopscotch 2. A: What dinner yesterday? B: Fish c) don't Anny and Fanny play at school every day? Mr Chef cook for di didn't b) does
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Ответ дал: Katiketka
It seems like you've provided a set of sentences and questions. I'll help clarify and correct them:

1. A: Where does Alex have his lunch on Mondays?
B: At a Chinese restaurant.

2. A: What did you have for dinner yesterday?
B: Fish.

3. A: What game do Anny and Fanny play at school every day?
B: Hopscotch.

4. A: Who does Mr. Chef cook for?
B: He doesn't cook for anyone.

Please note that these corrected sentences and questions are now grammatically accurate.

yfhggygyf: спасибо
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