10 Jamie and the koala Write the verbs in the past progressive. While we (take) photos of people with koalas. They took my photo, but I (start) to feel wet. But it because I (walk) around, we saw two men who - the koala was peeing¹ on me!! Mum and dad (make) me feel even more stupid! I was glad that most people (not look) at me! And at least I TIP take → taking (& smile, make) (not wear) my favourite T-shirt... (not smile) (not rain) (laugh) so much, they​



Ответ дал: funeralwithoutfun


while we were walking around

were taking,wasnt smiling,was starting,wasnt raining,were laughing,were making,werent looking at me,wasnt wearing.


если говорится в первом или 3 лице,единсвенного числа то was v(verb)+ing

если же 2 лицо,или мнлжетсвеннок число то were v+ing

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