1 Complete the text with townscape and landscape
features in the box.
breathtaking view bridge canal
fast-flowing river historic monument
housing estate market square shopping centre
slum waterfront restaurant
My Everyday Blog
I just had to write today about the latest urban
development plans. Have you read them? They want
to knock down some 200-year-old houses and use the
land to build ... yes, you guessed! A housing estate with
100 modern homes. I know there's a shortage of housing
in our town, but it's not as if they're getting rid of
a 1
with houses in a terrible condition
these are beautiful old buildings! And what about the
? It should
old school? Surely that's a 2
be turned into a museum, not destroyed!
Luckily, it's not all bad news. At the moment, the river is
a real mess, but the council are finally going to clean it
up. After they've removed all the rubbish, it will be
again, not a slow, dirty one. They're
going to build a new pedestrian 4.
the water so people can cross the river easily and
that will serve international food
and be family-friendly. They're also building a new
with over fifty shops, mostly
for clothes.
So what do you think? Comment below!
These new houses will spoil the area completely. There's
a 7
from the top of the hill looking
down over the town at the moment, which people
come from all over to see... but soon it'll just be rows
of houses. I think they should build the development
on the other side of town.
I've heard they want to build a
boats can go right through the town centre. Is that
true? I hope not! We don't live in Venice!
The shopping centre is a terrible idea. Now everyone
goes to the shops round the old
and we have a busy town centre. If people start to shop
by the river instead, many places in the centre may end
up closing, which would be a disaster!


Ответ дал: ulka47849


My Everyday Blog

I just had to write today about the latest urban development plans. Have you read them? They want to knock down some 200-year-old houses and use the land to build ... yes, you guessed! A housing estate with 100 modern homes. I know there's a shortage of housing in our town, but it's not as if they're getting rid of a slum with houses in a terrible condition - these are beautiful old buildings! And what about the historic monument? It should be turned into a museum, not destroyed!

Luckily, it's not all bad news. At the moment, the river is a real mess, but the council is finally going to clean it up. After they've removed all the rubbish, it will be a fast-flowing river again, not a slow, dirty one. They're going to build a new pedestrian bridge over the water so people can cross the river easily and enjoy the breathtaking view. They're also building a new restaurant on the waterfront that will serve international food and be family-friendly. They're also building a shopping centre with over fifty shops, mostly for clothes.

So what do you think? Comment below!

These new houses will spoil the area completely. There's a canal from the top of the hill looking down over the town at the moment, which people come from all over to see... but soon it'll just be rows of houses. I think they should build the development on the other side of town.

I've heard they want to build a market square so boats can go right through the town centre. Is that true? I hope not! We don't live in Venice!

The shopping centre is a terrible idea. Now everyone goes to the shops round the old market square and we have a busy town centre. If people start to shop by the river instead, many places in the centre may end up closing, which would be a disaster!

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