Skills: Writing Make notes about two pets or animals you know. Pet/Animal name: Dog What it's like: tnp ob wol amats you know. What they're both like: friendly funny cute kind Pet/Animal name: Cat U What it's like:

срочного дам 15 баллов​


Ответ дал: UnitedAssist

Pet/Animal name: Dog

- Name: Max

- What it's like: Max is a loyal and energetic dog. He's a tan-colored Labrador Retriever with a shiny coat.

- What they're both like: Max is friendly, funny, cute, and kind. He loves to play fetch and is always eager to greet you with a wagging tail.

Pet/Animal name: Cat

- Name: Luna

- What it's like: Luna is a sleek, black cat with bright green eyes. She's independent and graceful, often found napping in sunbeams or quietly exploring her surroundings.

- What they're both like: Luna, like Max, is also friendly, funny, cute, and kind in her own feline way. She may not be as openly affectionate as Max, but she's an excellent companion and has a mischievous sense of humor.

mdjabarkulova0401: спасибо)!
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