Помогите пожалуйста очень нужно помоги пожалуйста плиз.......



Ответ дал: prusaroslav723


1. She doesn't enjoy wearing formal clothes.

2. We decided to have lunch in a café.

3. Do you want to watch television?

4. Have you finished eating?

5. I prefer reading detective stories.

6. Would you like something to drink?

7. Is it worth running such an awful


8. I can't stand waiting in queues.

9. He suggested buying some food.

10. Ann refused to answer my question.

11. Sophie is looking forward to

celebrating her birthday this week.

12. Don't forget to park the car next to the house next time.

mackeviciluha: Спасибо большое.
prusaroslav723: ти с Харкова
mackeviciluha: Не
prusaroslav723: ок
Вас заинтересует