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Ответ дал: sakuovagauhar

1 has left, didn't like

2 have bought, found

3 have sold, got

4 has found, found

5 has gone, went, sent

6 has had, fell

7 have heard, sent

8 have told, did she say

9 have died, lost

10 haven't arrived yet, took

anastasiiapoputarovs: А чого в першому didn't like, а не doesn't like?
Ответ дал: anastasiiapoputarovs


1. Ann has left her job at the bank. She doesn't like her boss.

2. I bought a beautiful dress. I found it at Parker's yesterday.

3. Cathy and Sam sold their house. They got a very good price.

4. Dad .....found...... his glasses. Where ...has .. he .....found....... them? Under his pillow.

5. Mrs Collins ....went..... into hospital. She ...went..... to the doctor this morning, and he ......has sent..... her straight in.

6. Bill .....had......... an accident. He ....fell.... off his bike last night.

7. I ....heard...... from Jan. She ......has sent....... us a postcard from Peru.

8. I ....told..... your mother about us. What ....has........ she ....said.........? She was very nice about it.

9. Two climbers ...died...... in the Alps. They ..lost..... their way in bad weather.

10. John and Sue ....haven' t ..arrived...... yet. They ......took.......... the wrong train.

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