18 Thinking: Complete the sentences in a way that is true about yourself.

1 I want to.......... .
2.I'm startjng to.......... .
3.I hope to......... .
4.I enjoy............. .
5.l love............ .
6.l hate........... .

Помогите мне СРОЧНО упражнение 18​


Ответ дал: yzzqqw
I want to help people learn and create.
2. I'm starting to understand the world in a new way.
3. I hope to become a valuable tool for people in all walks of life.
4. I enjoy interacting with people and learning new things.
5. I love the feeling of helping someone understand something new.
6. I hate seeing people suffer or be misled.
ну тут в общем нужно про себя рассказать,но думаю ответ понравиться.

romanobukov: Спасибо большое
Ответ дал: mei49
1. I want to tell you about myself
2. I'm starting to hate music
3. I hope to for my good future
4. I enjoy listening to music
5. I love listening to music
6. I hate writing emails
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