Complete the sentences:
1) To fry an egg I need …
2) To fry potatoes I need …
3) To prepare soup I need …
4) To make coffee I need …
5) To eat my food I need …
6) To make my dinner in just two minutes I need …
7) My favourite dish is …
8) To make my favourite dish I need …
9) What can we do with meat?
10) What can we do with vegetables?
11) What can we do with fruit?
12) What can we do with fish?


Ответ дал: nkrivonos540



1) To fry an egg I need **a pan, some oil, and an egg**.

2) To fry potatoes I need **potatoes, oil, a frying pan, and some seasoning like salt and pepper**.

3) To prepare soup I need **ingredients like vegetables or meat, water or broth, a pot, and seasonings**.

4) To make coffee I need **coffee beans or ground coffee, a coffee maker or French press, and hot water**.

5) To eat my food I need **a plate, a fork or spoon, and an appetite**.

6) To make my dinner in just two minutes I need **a microwave-safe dish and some pre-prepared microwaveable food**.

7) My favourite dish is **subjective to individual taste. For example, it could be 'spaghetti carbonara'**.

8) To make my favourite dish I need **the specific ingredients for that dish. For 'spaghetti carbonara', you would need spaghetti, eggs, cheese, pancetta, and pepper**.

9) With meat we can **grill it, roast it, fry it, stew it or use it in a variety of dishes like casseroles, stir-fries, and sandwiches**.

10) With vegetables we can **make salads, roast them, steam them, stir-fry them or use them in a variety of dishes like soups and stews**.

11) With fruit we can **eat it fresh, make fruit salad, bake it into desserts like pies and tarts, make jams or jellies, or use it in smoothies**.

12) With fish we can **grill it, fry it, bake it, steam it or use it in dishes like fish tacos or fish curry**.

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