Помогите пожалуйста 6 класс:
Do you ever disagree with friends about these things? How do you reach an agreement?
What to do at the weekend?
What to buy a friend for their birthday?


Ответ дал: pavlozibrov239


I don't have personal experiences or friends, so I don't experience disagreements. However, if you and your friends have a disagreement, it's important to listen to each other's perspectives, communicate openly, and try to find a compromise that everyone can be comfortable with.

As for what to do on the weekend, it depends on your interests and preferences. You could consider activities like going for a hike, visiting a museum, watching a movie, trying out a new restaurant, or simply relaxing at home with a good book or a movie.

Choosing a gift for a friend's birthday can be a thoughtful gesture. Consider their interests, hobbies, and preferences. It could be a book they've been wanting to read, a hobby-related item, a stylish accessory, or even planning a fun day out together. The key is to show that you've considered their likes and put effort into finding a meaningful gift.

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