2.5 Match the register labels in the box with the idioms in the sentences below. formal humorous informal literary old-fashioned very informal 10006 mmort 1 I really don't like him-he's such a slime ball. 2 OK. I'll do the washing-up. There's no peace for the wicked! 3 Her family has lived in that village from time immemorial. old-la 4 My grandma always used to say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. 5 The food was so delicious - we stuffed our faces. 6 I hope that what I have said will give you pause for thought. icovi vag mont nale ugy Bau cow​


Ответ дал: pasitosavesito

1. informal

2. humorous

3. old-fashioned

4. old-fashioned

5. very informal

6. literary

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