Поставьте слова в правильном порядке так, чтобы получилось предложение. 1) lost so begun much weight I had I because exercising. 2) a lot of homework stayed up He all night he had received because. 3) hadn't and in the end Rachel she found her book lost hope. 4) before I him had you introduced us met. S) never in shock they had They were because about it before thought. 6) we took prepared at all before We that test hadn't. 7) you bought this dress had You in the said mall. 8) studied before to Germany You German moved had you 9) Italian He hadn't move to Italy studied before he. 10) I had left did not have money at home because my wallet any.

Помогите пожалуйста , 60 баллов.


Ответ дал: Samirai229


1) I had lost so much weight because I began exercising.

2) He stayed up all night because he had a lot of homework he had received.

3) Rachel hadn't found her book and she lost hope in the end.

4) Before I met him, I had introduced us.

5) They were in shock because they had never thought about it before.

6) We hadn't prepared at all before we took that test.

7) You had said you bought this dress in the mall.

8) You had studied German before you moved to Germany.

9) He hadn't studied Italian before he moved to Italy.

10) I did not have any money at home because I had left my wallet.


1) Я дуже схуд через те, що почав займатися спортом.

2) Він не спав всю ніч, тому що отримав багато домашніх завдань.

3) Рейчел не знайшла своєї книги, і зрештою вона втратила надію.

4) Перш ніж зустріти його, я познайомив нас.

5) Вони були в шоці, тому що ніколи раніше про це не думали.

6) Ми взагалі не готувалися перед тим, як складати тест.

7) Ви сказали, що купили цю сукню в торговому центрі.

8) Ви вивчали німецьку мову до того, як переїхали до Німеччини.

9) Він не вивчав італійську мову до того, як переїхав до Італії.

10) У мене вдома не було грошей, тому що я залишив гаманець.

kenmakadsuumee17: спасибо огромное!!!
Samirai229: ^_^
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