Speaking Task 2. Choose a card and answer the questions. Card 1 1. What social networking websites do you use? 2. What are the good things about social networking? Explain your answer. 3. What are the bad things about social networking? Explain your answer. Card 2 1. Does your country have any famous (знаменитый) social network websites? 2. Do you spend a lot of time surfing the internet? 3. Do you think social network is good way (xороший способ) to do business? Explain your answer. Card 3 1. Do women spend more time on the internet than men? 2. How often do you use WhatsApp? What are the things that annoу (раздражать) you about this application? 3. What harm (Bред) do social networking sites (сошиальные сети) have for teenagers? Explain your answer.​


Ответ дал: ulka47849


Card 1:

1. I use Facebook and Instagram as my main social networking websites.

2. The good things about social networking are that it allows you to connect with friends and family who may be far away, share updates and photos, and stay updated with current events and news.

3. The bad things about social networking are that it can be addictive, lead to comparison and feelings of inadequacy, and privacy concerns can arise if not careful with personal information sharing.

Card 2:

1. Yes, my country has a famous social networking website called "VKontakte" (or VK for short).

2. Yes, I do spend a lot of time surfing the internet, mostly for work and leisure activities.

3. Yes, social networking can be a good way to do business as it allows for reaching a larger audience, promoting products or services, and networking with potential clients or customers.

Card 3:

1. There is no definitive answer to this question as internet usage varies among individuals, regardless of gender.

2. I use WhatsApp daily and the things that annoy me about this application are constant notifications, especially group chat notifications, and being added to random groups without my consent.

3. Social networking sites can have harm for teenagers such as cyberbullying, negative self-image and self-esteem, and reduced face-to-face social interactions. It can also expose them to inappropriate content or online predators.

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