1 Choose the correct words. When Rachel's son Frank was born, he couldn't/ could breathe very well, so the doctors examined his heart. Frank had a serious heart problem. But luckily the doctors said they could / can operate. When he was one, Frank had a heart transplant. For a year after that, he 'could/ couldn't fight infection very well, so he was often ill. But these days, Frank is healthy and ³can/ could do everything that other six-year-old boys 4can / can't do. Medicine is getting better. In the future, doctors Scan / will be able to help more people, and those people can't/ will be able to live happy healthy lives. When Rachel tells people about Frank, sometimes they 'can't/ won't be able to believe how ill he was! sh 4​


Ответ дал: svetazc1967

Ответ:When Rachel's son Frank was born, he couldn't breathe very well, so the doctors examined his heart. Frank had a serious heart problem. But luckily, the doctors said they could operate. When he was one, Frank had a heart transplant. For a year after that, he couldn't fight infection very well, so he was often ill. But these days, Frank is healthy and can do everything that other six-year-old boys can do. Medicine is getting better. In the future, doctors will be able to help more people, and those people will be able to live happy, healthy lives. When Rachel tells people about Frank, sometimes they can't believe how ill he was!


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