Перетворіть речення на Passive voice
1. The girl is always hiding her brother's toys around the house
2. Has Helen found her glasses yet?
3. They believe that Tom works as a drug dealer in California
4. Last week my boyfriend sent me roses for my birthday
5. Was she writing a letter when you rang the bell yesterday?
6. The actor shouldn't accept this horrible role
7. We are going to buy a new motorbike next week
8. Will you fix the car on your own tomorrow?
9. They say that he is generous and caring to other people
10. Fiona hadn't completed the project by the time the boss called her
11. Must they publish the article about T.V violence?
12. My dad seldom water the flowers in our garden


Ответ дал: svetazc1967

Ответ:1. Her brother's toys are always being hidden around the house by the girl.

2. Have Helen's glasses been found yet?

3. It is believed by them that Tom works as a drug dealer in California.

4. Last week, roses were sent to me for my birthday by my boyfriend.

5. Was a letter being written when the bell was rung by you yesterday?

6. This horrible role shouldn't be accepted by the actor.

7. A new motorbike is going to be bought next week by us.

8. Will the car be fixed by you on your own tomorrow?

9. It is said that he is generous and caring to other people.

10. The project hadn't been completed by Fiona by the time she was called by the boss.

11. Must the article about T.V violence be published by them?

12. The flowers in our garden are seldom watered by my dad.


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