1. Listen. Circle the correct answers.

1 The Website is for

a. shopping.

b. chatting and meeting people.

c. doing research.

2 The woman

a. writes a blog.

b. designs Web sites.

c. downloads music.

3 The man thinks the site

a. is too expensive.

b. has a good design.

c. has too many ads.

4 The woman likes the site because a. she's met a lot of friends.

b. her best friend uses it.

c. she doesn't have many friends.

5 The man

a. is going to join the site.

b. isn't sure about joining.

c. isn't going to join

(5 p)


Ответ дал: infidelity




1. c. doing research.

2. b. designs Web sites.

3. b. has a good design.

4. a. she's met a lot of friends.

5. b. isn't sure about joining.

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