Завдання: напишіть листа другові за планом срочно: 1. Reasons for writing a letter. 2. Me and my family. 3. My interests, hobbies. 4. My best friend. 5. My plans for the weekend.​


Ответ дал: madk1id




Подожди ща я смогу тебе помочь, я редактирую это ща буквально 10 минут

Ответ дал: psina67
не указано сколько слов, но надеюсь вышло хорошо!!

Dear (имя друга)! Hello, how are you?
I’m writing this letter to you because I want to tell you more about me and my hobbies, I hope you will enjoy to know something new about me!
My family is big/(small). There are my (перечисляешь членов семьи). I love them very much. My mom is very kind and mindful. I love to spend my time with her, because she’s a wonderful person. And, my dad is very cool too! He is quite serious, but I love his jokes and sense of humor!

можно дальше описать своих братьев, сестер, если они есть

My hobby is drawing. It’s very easy and cool for me. Especially I love to draw people. And I’m very interested in music. I don’t have specific type of music, but it’s my favorite song (любимая песня). I love it because (почему любишь)

And, I have best friend. Her/his name is (имя лучшего друга/подруги). She/he is a very funny person! I love her/him because I can trust her/him secrets and this person is supporting me in difficult situations. I’m really happy that we are friends.

My plans for the weekend are go out. I will walk with my friends until evening. Then, I will do my homework and help my mom with dinner. And, when we will walk, you can join us if you want. In 14 o’clock at Saturday.
Tell about your family and hobbies in the next letter, and answer about walking with me.
Love, (ваше имя)
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