4 5.56 Work in groups of three. It's the first day at school. Change the words in colour to act out a dialogue like the one in Ex. 1.​


Ответ дал: zorik17


а где упражнения само

может я думаю

Sure! Here's a sample dialogue for three people using the words in color:

Student 1: Hi, my name is Peter. What's your name?

Student 2: Hi Peter, my name is Sarah. Nice to meet you!

Student 3: Hello Peter and Sarah, I'm Alex. It's great to be here on the first day of school.

Student 1: What grade are you in?

Student 2: I'm in 5th grade. How about you?

Student 3: I'm in 4th grade. Excited for the new school year!

Student 1: Do you have any favorite subjects?

Student 2: Yes, I love math and science. They're so interesting!

Student 3: I enjoy art and music. They let me be creative.

Student 1: That's great! Maybe we can study together sometime.

Student 2: I'd love that! It's always helpful to have study buddies.

Student 3: Count me in too! We'll make a great team.

Remember to replace the words in color with your own choices to personalize the dialogue. Have fun role-playing!

Ответ дал: shaizatjasulan




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