

Ответ дал: usermeowni
dhd shs. skx xma xjfbs cn
Ответ дал: oblivionna01



1. How often does your son do the washing-up?

Once a month but he tidies his room twice a week.

Are the children studying at the moment?

No. They are sitting in their rooms.

do you usually have your dinner at 8 o'clock?

Yes, but I'm having dinner now because I'm very hungry

. We don't often watch films on TV, but we

sometimes go to the cinema.

Robert and Sally aren't playing football in the garden.

They are reading magazines.

B. Complete the correct form of used to.. and the verbs in brackets.

Did you use to play the guitar when you were young? Yes, I did.

i used to be in a band.

Kyle didn't use to drive but now he does.

I did not use eat pizza when I was a child.

4. Sonia and Sheila used to take the bus to school but now they don't.

Did your parents use to work together?

Yes, they did.

we used to live in Oxford but now we live in London.

C. Complete with subject or object pronouns.

1. A: Where are my boots? I can't find them.

B: I think they

are under your bed.

2. Can you please help us? We don't understand this.

3. Tina loves shopping.She goes shopping every week.

4. Give that magazine, please. I want to read it

5. Look! Henry is riding a camel. Let's take a picture of him. He looks scared

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