2 You /nearby / live 3 have /a/They/ new / number / phone 4 very/hard/We / work 5 a/memory/1/ stick / have 6 live/We / in / of / flats /block/ a 7 university/They / at / study / French 8 bus / We / school / go /to / by 9 lunch/a / in / café / They / have 10 You /the / go / in / out / evening​


Ответ дал: nikabezversenko12
1. **You live nearby.**
- This sentence indicates that someone lives close to your location.

2. **They have a new phone number.**
- This sentence states that a group of people possesses a recently acquired telephone number.

3. **We work very hard.**
- This sentence emphasizes the strong effort put into work by a group of people.

4. **We have a memory stick.**
- This sentence means that a group of people possesses a USB memory stick.

5. **We live in a block of flats.**
- This sentence describes the type of housing – an apartment building where a group of people resides.

6. **They study French at university.**
- This sentence indicates the location (university) and the subject of study (French) for a group of people.

7. **We go to school by bus.**
- This sentence describes the mode of transportation (bus) used by a group of people to go to school.

8. **They have lunch in a café.**
- This sentence indicates the location (café) where a group of people has their lunch.

9. **You go in and out in the evening.**
- This sentence suggests a repetitive action of entering and leaving during the evening, directed at someone (You).
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