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Ответ дал: falusytubejaste

1. Over 90% of British teenagers own a mobile phone, with some owning two or more.

2. These screenagers spend more than 27 hours a week online, connecting with others through smartphones and tablets.

3. UK teenagers prefer watching video clips, playing games, sharing photos, and sending instant messages over chatting with friends on their smartphones.

4. Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram are the preferred social media platforms for UK teens, while Facebook is left to their parents.

5. In the UK, there is no law about phone use in schools, but teachers can remove devices from students if necessary.

6. A recent British report suggests that removing smartphones from schools will give students more time for education as they are a big distraction and make students less productive.

7. However, some people in the USA disagree. Recently, a school in New York allowed students to use smartphones in class as they can be an excellent resource for learning. Smartphones carry a lot of information in our pockets that can be useful for students³.

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