Помогите по братски даю 16 баллов 5,6 задание



Ответ дал: khavanskamasha


Once Tom was walking down the street, he was just walking along the alley, watching life around him. But by chance he heard strange sounds. He looked around, looked at the floor and saw the key. Picking it up, he did not understand where the key had come from. But when he saw a strange door nearby, his curiosity got the better of him. He opened the door with that key and went inside. On the walls of the large house hung strange paintings by unknown artists, the meaning of which Tom could not understand. He could see the details in the pictures, but could not understand anything, therefore, closing the door behind him, he left the key where he took it. He went further away


laucar660: Это шестое?
khavanskamasha: це 5, в шостому треба послухати справжню історію по картинкам
laucar660: Там прономкровать надо вроде
laucar660: Прономеровать
khavanskamasha: там написано що треба скласти історію, використовуючи слова в таблиці.
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