Помогите пожалуйста.Words: bus stop, go on foot, get on/off the (bus, car, train, ....), take (a bus/train), park (in a car park), get into/out of (a car, a taxi), wait (for the bus/train OR at the bus/train stop)



Ответ дал: 56783d
1. I am waiting at the bus stop for my friend to arrive.
2. She is taking a bus to the city center to meet her colleagues.
3. The passengers are getting on the train, and it's about to depart.
4. Right now, I am walking to the car park because I can't find my car keys.
5. They are getting into a taxi to head to the airport.
6. I am going on foot to the grocery store because it's just around the corner.
7. The rain is pouring, and people are waiting for the bus under their umbrellas.
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