WRITING 10 Do the task in pairs. This semester you're taking part in a student exchange programme in the UK. Write an email to a friend in the USA. Include the following information: • explain where you are and express your opinion about this place • talk about the family you're staying with . describe a friend you met at the new school • write how you spent the last weekend. на англійському​


Ответ дал: sabinasagatillaeva
Subject: Greetings from the UK!

Hey [Friend's Name],

I hope you're doing well back in the USA! I wanted to catch you up on my adventures here in the UK.

First off, I'm currently in London, and I have to say, it's absolutely amazing! The mix of historical landmarks and modern city life is breathtaking. I've been exploring so much, and I can't get enough of the beautiful parks and iconic architecture.

I'm staying with a lovely family in a charming little town just outside London. They've been incredibly welcoming, and the cultural exchange has been an eye-opener. I've had traditional British meals like fish and chips, and I'm getting the hang of afternoon tea!

At the new school, I made a friend named Alex. They're super friendly and we instantly clicked. We both share a passion for history, and they've been showing me around the school, introducing me to other students, and even gave me some tips on surviving British weather!

Last weekend was a blast. Alex and I decided to take a day trip to Oxford. We visited the historic Oxford University, strolled through the picturesque streets, and tried some of the local cuisine. It was an incredible experience, and I can't wait to explore more of the UK with Alex.

Anyway, I'm having an amazing time here, but I miss you and everyone back home. Hope to hear from you soon and catch up on your adventures too!

Take care,
[Your Name]
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