Допоможіть, будь ласка, срочно!!!
Do the task in pairs. Student A Your school wants to organise a Family Sport Day. Your class is responsible for preparing a competition in any sport you choose. Start the conversation with Student B to discuss what you have to do. Topics you should mention: • Awards Age groups Judges e Type of sport Student B You're Student A's classmate. Your school wants to organise a Family Sport Day. Your class is responsible for preparing a competition in any sport you choose. Student A starts the conversation to discuss what you have to do. Use some or all of the following sentences: • So, tell me, what kind of sports competition should we organise? ⚫ I'm not sure it's a good idea. ⚫ I think we need to organise the competition for different age groups. • What exactly do you mean by (a small prize)?​



Ответ дал: hudedanya


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Student A: Hey there! Have you heard about our school's plan to organize a Family Sport Day?

Student B: Yeah, I have. It sounds like a great idea! So, tell me, what kind of sports competition should we organize?

Student A: I was thinking we could go for a mini football tournament. It's a popular sport, and families can participate together. What do you think?

Student B: That's a fantastic idea! But I think we need to organize the competition for different age groups. It'll be fairer that way. The little ones can play with their peers, and adults can have their separate games.

Student A: I couldn't agree more. It'll make the event more inclusive and enjoyable. Now, about awards – should we have prizes for the winners?

Student B: I think it's a great incentive. We could give out small prizes for the winning teams or maybe even medals for the participants to commemorate the day. What exactly do you mean by "a small prize"?

Student A: Maybe something like gift cards, sports equipment, or even vouchers for a local restaurant or store. It doesn't have to be extravagant, just a token of appreciation.

Student B: That sounds reasonable. We should also think about judges. We might need someone experienced in football to ensure fairness.

Student A: Agreed. We can ask our P.E. teacher or someone from the community who knows the game well. It's essential to have competent judges.

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