10болымсыз 10болымды 10сұраулы сөйлем Ағылшынша пж очень надо​


Ответ дал: azharkuanyshevvaaa


болымды: The pen is blue. The weather is nice. The children are in the living room. My mum is in the kitchen. Our cat is playing with a toy. My brother is studying. We need to go. Today is my birthday. I want to drink. I am sad. болымсыз:The pen isn't blue. the weather isn't nice. the children aren't in the living room. my mom isn't in the kitchen . our cat isn't playing with a toy. my brother isn't studying. we don't need to go. today isn't my birthday. I don't want to drink. I'm not sad.сұраулы: is the pen blue? is the weather nice are the children playing in the living room? is my mom in the kitchen? is our cat playing with the toy? it's my brother studying? do we need to go? is today your birthday? do you want to drink? are you sad?

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