Exercise 5. Looking at grammar.
Complete each sentence with an appropriate preposition and the -ing form of the given verb

9. search
Everyone in the neighborhood participated ___ for the lost child.

10. make
I apologized to Yoko ___ her wait for me.

11. go
In addition ___ part-time job. to school full-time, Spiro has a

12. run
I stopped the child ___ into the street.

13. go
Where should we go for dinner tonight? Would you object ___ to an Italian restaurant?

14. clarify
The mayor made another public statement for the purpose ___ the new tax proposal.

15. wear
Larry isn't used ___ a suit and tie every day​


Ответ дал: big410796

Everyone in the neighborhood participated in searching for the lost child.

I apologized to Yoko for making her wait for me.

In addition to going to school full-time, Spiro has a part-time job.

I stopped the child from running into the street.

Where should we go for dinner tonight? Would you object to going to an Italian restaurant?

The mayor made another public statement for the purpose of clarifying the new tax proposal.

Larry isn't used to wearing a suit and tie every day.

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