7 conversation. Use the ideas below. T Change the words in bold in the to ask and answer the questions. Problem 1 You have to sing a song at the talent competition. Problem 2 You are playing in the final of a tennis​


Ответ дал: EnglishTeacherZA

Person A: You have to sing a song at the talent competition, don't you?

Person B: Yes, that's right. I've been practicing for weeks, and I'm really nervous about it.

Person A: I understand the nerves. How did you choose the song you're going to sing?

Person B: I wanted to pick something that showcases my vocal range, so I decided on a classic, "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen. It's a challenging one, but I hope I can do it justice.

Person A: That sounds like a great choice! What are you doing to prepare for the competition?

Person B: Well, I've been taking singing lessons and rehearsing with a vocal coach. I've also been working on my stage presence because I want to make a good impression.

Person A: That's a smart approach. You're going to do great. Now, what about you? You are playing in the final of a tennis tournament, right?

Person B: Yes, I am. It's the finals of our local tennis championship, and I've been looking forward to this match for a long time.

Person A: How have you been training for the final? Do you have any specific strategies?

Person B: I've been practicing my serves and working on my footwork. I've also been studying my opponent's previous matches to identify their weaknesses and strengths. I want to be well-prepared.

Person A: That's a solid plan. What's your mindset going into the final? Are you feeling confident?

Person B: I'm definitely excited, but there's a bit of nervousness too. I think that's natural. But I'll do my best to stay focused and stay in the zone during the match.

Person A: I'm sure you'll give it your all and perform brilliantly. Good luck in the talent competition and the tennis final!

sbs11091973: да
Ответ дал: lonzer91


Question: What is the first problem you have to face?

Answer: The first problem I have to face is singing a song at the talent competition.

Question: What is the second problem you have to face?

Answer: The second problem I have to face is playing in the final of a tennis match.



sbs11091973: мало
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