EXERCISE 20. Fill in gaps with the missing words in the following sentences, the first letter of each word has been given to help you. l) One of the most important m… is TV. 2) There are a lot ofe… programmes on TV. 3) I want to watch this new f… film. 4) The most important part of programming is news and c… affairs programmes. 5) Some private companies r… commercial TV stations. 6) You may s… to this newspaper. 7) C… deliver cable TV signals to home TVsets. 8) Radio b… different kinds of programmes. 9) Commercial TV stations sell the a… time. 10) V… are brought a steady stream of programmes on IV.


Ответ дал: AratakiI

1) One of the most important mediums is TV.

2) There are a lot of educational programmes on TV.

3) I want to watch this new feature film.

4) The most important part of programming is news and current affairs programmes.

5) Some private companies run commercial TV stations.

6) You may subscribe to this newspaper.

7) Cables deliver cable TV signals to home TV sets.

8) Radio broadcasts different kinds of programmes.

9) Commercial TV stations sell the advertising time.

10) Viewers are brought a steady stream of programmes on TV.

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