7 Complete the dialogue with the names of people in sport. The first letters are given. Reporter: Here we are live from the National Stadium Zoe: Wonderfull I've been training hard with the with Zoe Striker of Team UK, the new women's 100m sprint champion, Zoe, you are finally the champion of the world. How does it feel? help of my 'c and the other athletes in the UK team- my fantastic .I couldn't have done it without them or all of the 's that were watching and cheering me on here in the stadium. I've got the best f in the world! Reporter: And how about the r For a moment I thought he was going to stop the race. Zoe: That was a little worrying, yes. But I've been practising all week with my "t and I was prepared for any of my 10 trying to stop me winning. Reporter: Thank you Zoe. The UK is proud of you and your thousands of 's around the world can't wait for your next competition.​


Ответ дал: nikabezversenko12
Reporter: Here we are live from the National Stadium.

Zoe: Wonderful! I've been training hard with the help of my coach and the other athletes in the UK team - my fantastic teammates. I couldn't have done it without them or all of the fans that were watching and cheering me on here in the stadium. I've got the best fans in the world!

Reporter: And how about the race marshal? For a moment I thought he was going to stop the race.

Zoe: That was a little worrying, yes. But I've been practicing all week with my trainers, and I was prepared for any of my opponents trying to stop me from winning.

Reporter: Thank you, Zoe. The UK is proud of you, and your thousands of supporters around the world can't wait for your next competition.
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