Task 3.
Complete the sentences. Use the adjective or the adverb form of the words in brackets.
1. I waited
for the results of the tests. (optimistic)
2. George is the least
person I know! (patient)
Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or the past continuous form of the verbs.
3. I was standing in the snow and I
colder and colder. (feel)
4. What
at the time when the window broke? (do)
Complete the sentence using the correct forms of can, could or will be able to.
5. Doctors
cure the common cold one day.
6. He
walk to school after he broke his leg.
Complete the sentences with the correct words.
7. Sally has just left. She
8. He
be in Tokyo yet! (might not / mustn't / can't)
be able to come - he's got a cold. (can / could/ might not)
Read about a situation. Then complete the second sentence. Use the past modal form of must, can't, could
or might and the verb.
9. Paula didn't look very well yesterday.
10. Fabio looks upset about his exam result.
(catch) a cold, or maybe she was tired.
(get) a good mark.



Ответ дал: letvik878

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Here are the completed sentences for Task 3:

1. I waited optimistically for the results of the tests.

2. George is the least patient person I know!

3. I was standing in the snow and I felt colder and colder.

4. What were you doing at the time when the window broke?

5. Doctors will be able to cure the common cold one day.

6. He could walk to school after he broke his leg.

7. Sally has just left. She might not be able to come - she's got a cold.

8. He can't be in Tokyo yet!

9. Paula didn't look very well yesterday. She might have caught a cold, or maybe she was tired.

10. Fabio looks upset about his exam result. He might not have got a good mark.

Taziik: Как дать лучший ответ?
vsulikov89: да
vsulikov89: не знаю
vsulikov89: но спасибо
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