Teenage subcultures are an important 1) for many teenagers around the world. It may seem strange, but they help them find people 2)............ and build 3)................. that can last years. There are the skaters with their baggy jeans, the techies with their love for 4)................., the indies who love 5).................. weird and artistic things, and finally the plastics who just love 6).................. And, even if you don't fit completely into one of these groups, you are sure to find someone who thinks like you maybe even a whole subculture. ​


Ответ дал: idriskalievm


Teenage subcultures are an important **(1) outlet** for many teenagers around the world. It may seem strange, but they help them find people **(2) with similar interests** and build **(3) friendships** that can last years. There are the skaters with their baggy jeans, the techies with their love for **(4) technology**, the indies who love **(5) all things weird and artistic**, and finally the plastics who just love **(6) being fashionable**. And, even if you don't fit completely into one of these groups, you are sure to find someone who thinks like you, maybe even a whole subculture.

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